Friday, April 10, 2015

Gender based harassment at public transport: perception of women’s on preventive actions
Shalika sandamali, Priydarshani Premarathne and Sminda Gnarathne

Gender based harassment at public transport are a worldwide social issue which creates a negative impact on physical, psychological and social well-being of women. This qualitative descriptive study has been designed to identify the knowledge of women passengers on legal actions and preventive activities of gender based harassment at public transports and their perception towards the work-ability of the interventions. A convenient sample of 40 women who consented to participate in the study and who used public transport system to travel from Kandy Colombo, Negambo and Rathnapura was selected for the study and it was done over a three month period from October, 2014.

The study revealed that 96% of women have experienced verbal abuse by being followed and unwanted sexual comments to physical and sexual harassment. According to the perception of women the majority of abusers are male aged 45 – 55 years. Though the majority of women are aware of the legal aspects of gender based violence and preventive actions 70% of women revealed that due to the cultural and social barriers they are not going to follow those actions as they think it will be a negative impact on their later life when travelling. The women aged 25- 45 were highly educated on the legal and preventive actions but it was less among women aged 45 -60 years.  Further, this study revealed that the perception regarding the preventive action is considerably negative among both women and men because of the diffusion of responsibility in public sphere. Also women were not satisfied with the legal procedures that they have to undergo after the legal actions.  This study concludes that inculcating moral values and public responsibilities in the public sphere is more important to prevent gender based violence in the system of public transports.

Key words: Public transport, Gender, Harassment, Preventive actionsv

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

දස මහා යොදයකු සේ

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පවතීද නිදහසක්
නුඹේ ඔය දෑතට.....
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දස මහා යොදයන්